Sustainable Business Network
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Simpler Recycling - Ready for New Waste Separation Regs in 2025.
On-line Friday 14 February 2025 , 09:30-11am GMT - Free Registration
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Starting April 2025, the UK is rolling out new regulations to make recycling simpler and more uniform across the country. Whether you’re at home, work, school, or any other place, you’ll be able to recycle the same materials. This initiative aims to streamline the recycling process without adding a lot of new bins.
However, you will need to separate more materials, with food waste being the most significant change – even if you a a small business of 10 or more people.
In this on-line session we discuss
• Whether you need to comply
• How & when you need to comply
via a number of invited speakers, this interactive session will also include a panel discussion, answering your questions to get you ready for this new law.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in SMEs and large businesses. This will also appeal to marketing professionals and business owners in SMEs.
Agenda - Coming soon!
This session is brought to you by the Winchester branch of the SBN and sponsored by Winchester City Council.
Product Carbon Footprinting - What's the Fuss about & Do You Need to do it (for your products or services)?
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The new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) came into force on July 18, 2024. This regulation aims to enhance the sustainability of products in the EU market by setting stringent requirements for durability, reparability, recyclability, and overall environmental impact.
As a result, all goods sold within and into the EU must now disclose their carbon footprint information. Concurrently, there has been a significant increase in end-user demand for on-product carbon footprints to facilitate low-carbon choices. Many companies have already begun displaying carbon labels on their products, although sometimes these labels feature inaccurate or incomplete disclosures. This practice has been closely monitored by organizations such as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), which is vigilant against greenwashing.
However, the ASA itself has faced criticism for creating an environment where companies are fearful of making any claims, inadvertently causing businesses to refrain from action and thereby hindering progress in climate change mitigation.
In this session, we will explore the necessity of product footprints and provide guidance on how to accurately claim and label your efforts.
This session explores the whole areas of Product Footprinting – what is it & how it extends to physical products & service-based offerings. We explore whether you need product footprints for your business and the options of how to do it. Here we keep a focus on doing it as cost-effectively ( and ideally as much for free!) as possible.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in SMEs and large businesses. This will also appeal to marketing professionals and business owners in SMEs.
09:30 Legislation & Market Updates – Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair SBN North Hants
09:45 Product Carbon Footprints – What’s all the fuss About – and do you need them? Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:25 Panel Discussion – of Audience Questions
10:45 - Close
How to Assess your Carbon Emissions & Disclose Publicly for Free.
KEYNOTE - Watch on YouTube
So you're serious about carbon emissions but don’t have a
budget to be able to pay large fees for consultancy or fancy ESG software. Not
a problem.
We’ll show you how to evaluate your SME business’s carbon footprint, set a practical net zero target & disclose for free for full transparency and to make sure you don’t greenwash.
In this session we explore why businesses of any size need a net zero target and explore exactly how to go about doing it (yourselves), based on achievable timelines and with interim targets on the way to your goal.
Watch on YouTube Now
Net Zero - What is it, Why you need it and How to do it
ISO’s definition of Net Zero is now well established and many companies are now making their net zero claims publicly (either using this methodology or a similar one (such as SBTI’s). Their reasons? Companies are setting these climate change targets to direct their carbon reduction programmes and also to meet supply chain reporting requirements. Many also anticipate regulatory declarations to be on the horizon.
In this session we explore why businesses of any size need a net zero target and explore exactly how to go about doing it (yourselves), based on achievable timelines and with interim targets on the way to your goal.
Agenda & Speaker List
09:30 Welcome - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair - North Hants SBN
09:35 Legal & Best Practice Update – Zoe Booth, Carbon Footprint Ltd
09:50 Net Zero - What is it, Why you need it and How to do it – Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:20 Case Study - Mulalley - Peter Sharman & Sean Robinson, Mulalley
10:50 Panel Discussion
11:00 - Close
Renewable Energy & Low Carbon Technology
With changes expected on how purchased renewable energy is reported under scope 2 join us to hear how you can ensure your electricity stays zero carbon or achieves zero carbon when you make the change. We’ll hear from the University of Winchester about their new solar and air source heat pumps and hear first hand about experience of installing these technologies across a range of buildings sizes and uses. We’ll also hear from industry experts on how to finance your low carbon and renewable energy installations and power purchase options that don’t require capital outlay. T
Agenda & Speaker list
08:30 Welcome - Dr Duncan East, Marwell Wildlife
08:35 Legal Update - Peter Schofield, GEP Environmental
08:50 Funding Low Carbon Investments - Mairead Taylor, Nat West
09:10 Changes to Scope 2 Reporting : REGO v PPA and Asset Ownership - Dr. Duncan East, Marwell Wildlife
09:30 University of Winchester ASHP and Solar Installation - Mat Jane, University of Winchester
09:50 - Close / Optional Tour of ASHPs and plant room
Energy Efficiency - Does it Really Work?
Energy Efficiency brings benefits of cost and carbon savings. With many large businesses now completing their ESOS projects, we look with fresh eyes at energy efficiency and ask whether it actually works (or not!) . Via a series of case studies by invited speakers, we explore the subject from small business's perspective as well as large. With an audience participation Q&A session, this promises to be an enlightening session.
Agenda & Speaker List
09:30 Welcome
09:35 Legal & Best Practice Update – Zoe Booth, Carbon Footprint Ltd
09:50 Energy Efficiency in your Business – Lisa Howkins, NFU Energy Ltd
10:20 Energy Efficiency Case Study - tbc
10:50 Panel Discussion
11:00 Close
Hybrid Working
Working from home and hybrid working are now routine for many of us but how do you maximise the benefits and realise the carbon savings without heating a half empty office building or increasing your emissions by heating many houses instead of one office building? With speakers from Sustrans, Carbon Footprint and local businesses you’ll hear how best to manage your staff commute to minimise impact, how to account for emissions at home and how to rationalise your office space to maximise the advantages of hybrid working.
09:30 Welcome
09:35 Realising the advantages of hybrid working in a busy office – Ridge and Partners LLP
09:55 Accounting for home working in your scope 3 calculation – Joel Fernandez, Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:15 Supporting sustainable travel as part of hybrid working – Anna Herron, Sustrans
10:35 Panel Discussion
11:00 Close
Communication, Greenwashing & Greenhushing - Avoiding the Pitfalls
In these days of hyper-scrutiny, it’s tempting to stay quiet about your sustainability achievements in fear of backlash if you get something wrong. However, society needs companies who are delivering in sustainability to shout about what they are doing so others who are considering action know they are not alone.
We particularly need those who are trying to be open, honest, and transparent about what they are doing. Honest reporting needs to include failures as well as successes and how they were both managed so that everyone can learn from these experiences. Putting your head above the parapet takes courage; join us to hear what others are doing, what is expected from good communication, and how to gather the information to back up your claims.
Legal Update - Sam Jones - GEP Environmental
Carbon Claims - The Facts (not the Fiction) - Dr Wendy Buckley, Carbon Footprint Ltd
Don't get rinsed by greenwashing: communicating the right way - Tracy Weeks - Purplelily Design
Panel Discussion
Sustainable Procurement - What is it and How to do it Well.
Friday 1 Dec, 09:30-11:00am On-line, Register Free.
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Sustainable Procurement is frequently cited as a company's next target for responsible management. With the pandemic and cost of living crisis however, many would agree that progress has not been at the pace necessary. This session examines the latest in sustainable procurement best practice and standards. It also features a case study from a business wo has recently implemented sustainable procurement in their organisation.
09:30 - Welcome - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chairperson SBN North Hants
09:35 - Legal/Best Practice Update - Zoe Booth Carbon Footprint Ltd
09:50 - Sustainable Procurement - Our Journey - Dr. Duncan East, Marwell Wildlife
10:20 - Sustainable Procurement - Council's Perspective - Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council
10:50 - Panel Discussion / Q&A
B Corp and Social Certification Schemes for SMEs.
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The potential for unintended impacts from business supply chains can be global in their reach and negatively impact the lives of large numbers of people. With a bit of thought and planning there is the same potential the hugely improve the lives of people all over the world through both social and environmental support. Join us at Marwell Zoo as part of Winchester Green Week to hear about the work of Marwell’s conservation teams directly with communities around the world and to discuss the positive impact your business could have through your supply chain.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
This live session will be include ample opportunity for networking with like-minded sustainability professionals.
9:30 Registration, tea and coffee
10:00 Welcome and housekeeping
10:05 Social Impact at Marwell Wildlife - Zeno Wijtten – Head of Social Impact and Learning
10:20 Introduction to B-Corp – Paul Coverdale, B local Hampshire
10:40 The Responsible Business Standard – Clive Bonny, SMP ltd
11:00 B-Corp case studies
Thursday Studio
PACT Dogs Ltd
Lainston House Hotel
11:30 Close
Demystifying Sustainability Reporting – Compliance Reporting Now and What’s Coming Soon.
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Across the globe, as countries make net zero commitments, this is then triggering compliance carbon reporting for most large businesses (with more than 250 employees), set to be part of their annual report & accounts. Smaller businesses are still likely to be asked to report to their clients, as part of tendering or supply chain reporting – so cannot be ignored.
This session reviews and compares the current UK business reporting and looks at the incoming legislation, including international systems such as TCFD (Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure) and also ‘SEC’ (US Securities & Exchange Commission- ‘The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate Related Disclosures for Investors’ in the US) and CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) in Europe for those with international dimensions to their businesses.
We also include a case study for a business that reports into multiple compliance as well as voluntary programmes (such as CDP and SBTI).
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
This on-line session will be live, include audience participation (via on-line polls and ‘chat’ function questions).
09:30 Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair SBN North Hants
09:45 Demystifying Sustainability Reporting – Zoe Rudge, Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:15 Case Study - 'On Implementing TCFD in our Business‘ - Harsha Thomas, De La Rue
10:45 Panel discussion – from delegates questions
11:00 Close
Renewable Energy On-Site Pt 2 - Cutting Costs & Taking Control
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Following on from our Part 1 Session, we continue to explore renewables on-site. This time we focus on technology such as batteries for solar PV installations and heat pumps etc. As businesses continue to experience massive & unprecedented rises in energy costs that challenge operational costs, there's never been a better time to look again at the business case.
From a climate change stance, many businesses are additionally also looking responsibly at ways to reduce their carbon footprint (due to their net zero commitments) and considering renewables now that prices of equipment have reduced so significantly.
This Sustainable Business Network session looks at the business case for renewables on site and also features a case study from a business that has invested in them over the years and their experience of 'real world' living with them.
The session includes expert overviews of the subject - with plenty of practical examples that businesses of any size can take away and implement in their workplaces. We also have a Q&A panel session responding to your live questions.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
Agenda & Speaker List
09:30 - Welcome & Market/Legal Update - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair of SBN North Hants
09:40 - Renewables OnSite - The role of Batteries with Solar - Martin Heath, BES Cooperative
10:10 - Living with Renewables on our Sites - Alan Poole, Berry Bros & Rudd
10:40 - Q&A/Panel Discussion
11:00 - Close
Net Zero Latest and the Role of Carbon Removal
Friday 24 March. 09:30-11:00am on MS Teams
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Recent guidance from ISO on Carbon Net Zero has helped to clarify how you can deal with the hard to tackle residual emissions. If you’re scratching your head over the difference between carbon offset and carbon removal and where social and biodiversity impacts fit in join us for some lively discussion of these issues and more. We’ll also look at new streamlined guidance for SMEs which make it easier for smaller organisations to commit to reducing carbon emissions.
9:30 Welcome
9:35 Legal update and SMEs pathway to Science Based Targets – GEP
9:50 Carbon offset v Carbon removal & new ISO guidance on Net Zero – John Buckley, Carbon Footprint
10:20 Rewild Carbon – Amy Bompass, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
10:50 Audience questions for the panel
11:00 Close
Renewable Energy On-Site - Cutting Costs & Taking Control
Friday 3 February 09:30 am-11:00 am
Over the past year we have seen massive & unprecedented rises in energy costs that are causing large hikes in operational costs; these high costs are expected to last for at least the medium term. On top of this, there are concerns about supply continuity that could seriously impact businesses.
From a climate change stance, many businesses are additionally also looking responsibly at ways to reduce their carbon footprint (due to their net zero commitments) and considering renewables now that prices of equipment have reduced so significantly.
This Sustainable Business Network session looks at the business case for renewables on site and whether now really is the time to invest in them. We look at the different technologies for your site and their payback periods. Also, we look at funding available for businesses and examine community energy projects
The session includes expert overviews of the subject - with plenty of practical examples that businesses of any size can take away and implement in their workplaces.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
09:30 Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair SBN North Hants
09:45 Renewables on-site in your business - Why now? Martin Heath, Basingstoke Energy Services Co-op
10:15 Business Community Energy Projects
Alison Zarecky, Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council
Ollie Pendered,
Jane Grindey, Calleva Community Energy
10:45 Funding available for renewables - Alison Zarecky, Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council
11:00 Close
Biodiversity Revisited - Virtual Event
Friday 4 November 09:30 am-11:00 am.
Making the most of the natural environment to boost employees' experience and mental welfare at the workplace.
During the pandemic lockdown, we first explored the importance of biodiversity, your business and its benefits to employees. Now we have transitioned to ‘the new normal’, many of us are working back in the office/hybrid working. We look again (with fresh eyes) at the importance of encouraging nature around us to enhance our employees’ work experience and to promote mental well-being resulting in better businesses.
The session includes an expert overview of the subject and a case study – outlining Vitacress’s own programme - with plenty of practical examples that businesses of any size can take away and implement in their workplaces.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
09:30 Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair SBN North Hants
09:45 Biodiversity & Your Business – What is it, what are the benefits and how it do it – Carmen Green, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
10:15 Case Study – Vitacress – Our Biodiversity Programme - Leah Mathis-Collins, Vitacress
10:45 Panel Q & A – Led by Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair SBN North Hants
11:00 Close
Circular Economy
If you’re a manufacturer, have you considered how you could provide your product differently; do you need to review your packaging, can you offer take back schemes to facilitate reuse of products or offer your product on a lease basis?
If you’re a service provider, how will your and your client’s purchasing decisions be affected and how can you use those choices to your advantage and to drive change?
As part of Winchester Green Week, the Sustainable Business Network is inviting speakers from business and academia to give their insights into how we can all adopt a circular approach and start to benefit from a different way of purchasing, reduce the resources we consume and save some money at the same time.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Legal update – GEP Environmental
09:25 Implications of the Circular Economy - Dr Regine Frei, University of Southampton
09:45 Circular Computing case study – Jenny Hayes / Steve Haskew, Circular Computing
10:05 Purchasing in the circular economy – Dr Duncan East, Marwell Wildlife
10:30 End
Sustainable Transport - Live Event.
Friday 17 June, 09:30 am-12:00 noon, University of Winchester
Winchester Sustainable Business Network are excited to invite you to join us for this free event at the University of Winchester on the 17th of June 2022 at 9:30am to view a range of alternative fuel vehicles for yourself and hear first-hand experience from their users. The exhibition will include a range of different sized vans for different applications, examples of electric cars from Hyundai, Peugeot, Polestar and Tesla plus electric bicycles and cargo bikes.
There will also be an opportunity to tour the new West Downs Campus building which is aiming to achieve both BREEAM Excellent and the new Well Building standard.
Packaging regulations, extended producer responsibility and the deposit return scheme.
New packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations will be coming into effect soon. The plastic packaging tax comes in from April this year and EPR is being phased in from April 2023. The regulations require a minimum recycled content in new packaging and lay an obligation on packaging suppliers to fund collection and sorting of end-of-life packaging. Whilst the main burden falls on packaging producers, businesses will need to aware of their part in the collection cycle and how to return material for recycling. This event from the Winchester Sustainable Business Network will include an update on the legislation and discussion on how to ensure you are maximising your packaging and plastic waste recycling.
9:00 Welcome
9:05 Legal update, what the new regulations mean for you. Peter Scofield, GEP Environmental
9:25 Preventing Plastic Pollution – Sophie Goodall-Smith, Environment Agency
9:45 Waste industry response to new regulations – Ryan Gregory, Grundon’s Waste Management
10:15 Combating waste through circular thinking – Ella Yarrow, Ridge and Partners
10:30 Close
Managing Energy Costs - Smart Procurement, Smart Systems, Smart Use
Energy prices have risen so dramatically over past months and further rises are expected to continue into 2022. The affect of this is hitting businesses hard. If you work in a large energy intensive organisation you will be only too aware of the impact and within smaller/less energy intensive companies, this effect will still impact you, if not directly.
This session tackles steps that you can make to manage these increasing bills from 3 angles:
Smart Procurement – buying energy using the right tariffs and financial mechanisms
Smart Use – auditing your processes and behaviours to target & reduce energy use
Smart Systems – choosing & funding and/or making the business case for updated processing. lighting and Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment.
The session is illustrated by a set of talks, outlining current legislation/best practice, a ‘How To’ guide and an industry case study.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
Agenda & Speakers
Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair SBN North Hants
Energy Markets & Procurement – What’s really Driving them and how to buy smart - Energy Intelligence Centre - John Palmer
Case Study – Portals - Sharon Ball
Funding for low energy technology - Low Carbon Across the South East (LoCASE)
Action on Carbon and Scope 3 Carbon Footprint
Download Slides Legal Update, Scope 3 Measurement ,
Case Study - University of Winchester, Earthian Zero Waste Shop
After the buzz of COP 26 and seminars from the Sustainable Business Network, and other encouraging carbon action, have you made a start on measuring carbon or set a reduction target? If you’re just starting with carbon reporting or looking to expand your carbon footprint to include a greater range of emissions, our next carbon event could have the answers you’re looking for. The event will tackle your questions and issues arising from initial attempts to measure your carbon footprint then take a look at supply chain carbon emissions, how to incorporate these into your carbon footprint and how to start to reduce them. We will tackle your specific questions arising from your first attempts at carbon footprinting.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
Agenda & Speakers
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Legal Update - Peter Schofield
09:20 Questions & Experiences from delegates' scope 1 & 2 footprints
09:35 Scope 3 Emissions Measurement - Myles Howard, Carbon Footprint Ltd
09:55 Case Study - Mat Jane, University of Winchester
10:10 Case Study - Katie Campling, Earthian Zero Waste Store
Post COP 26 Roundup and Carbon Action
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Now the dust has settled from COP 26 join us for a summary of what happened and the implications for your business. The first days of the conference were full of commitments on deforestation, methane, finance and more so where do you fit into this new greener world. Whatever the outcome from COP 26 more and more business want to measure and reduce carbon but are not sure where to start so we’ll revisit the basics of carbon footprinting & discuss target setting. Our panel discussion answered live questions on barriers to achieving net zero.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
Outcomes of COP 26. Professor Robert Beckford, Institute of Climate and Social Justice
Your first carbon footprint. Dr Duncan East, Marwell Wildlife
Target setting and Net Zero. Eva Koszorus, Planet Mark
Panel discussion – answering contributed questions on challenges to net zero
Net Zero Carbon - What is it and how to do it for Your Business.
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As we marked the UN COP 26 Climate Change conference coming to the UK, this session examines what Net Zero Carbon is, why so many governments and organisations are committing to it. We then focus on why supply chain partners are asking your business to commit to it and what you will need to do (and spend) to be compliant. We finally look at the benefits you will get from it (and the flip-side – the risks if you don’t)
The session is illustrated by a set of talks, outlining current legislation/best practice, a ‘How To’ guide and an industry case study. There will also be a panel session to discuss delegate submitted issues on roadblocks they face in their business and how to overcome them.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair SBN North Hants
Net Zero Carbon – ‘Why, What it Means to your business ... and how to do it’ - John Buckley, Managing Director, Carbon Footprint Ltd
Case Study – ‘Our Carbon Management Journey & Net Zero Emissions' - Candice Oosthuizen & Phil Gillespie, Tuskerdirect Ltd
Discussion – EV Financing & Supply Chains
Biodiversity in your Business - Virtual Event
The past year has emphasised to importance of biodiversity and green spaces to our physical & mental health. As responsible businesses, we know also that aspects of our natural biodiversity are in need of our support – and that includes within our work-site and neighbourhood.
This session explores the benefits of managing biodiversity within your work sites and how this applies to even the smallest of businesses. For businesses developing their sites, we look at biodiversity net gain requirements and for companies in ‘steady state’ we look at making the most of your (natural) resources and how you can get your teams involved both on-site and in your neighbourhood for better team building & morale, mental well-being and to meet Corporate & Social Responsibility (CSR) goals.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
09:30 – Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Client Director, Carbon Footprint Ltd
09:40 – Biodiversity in your Business – Keynote Session – Debbie Salmon, Independent Consultant
10:10 – Case Study - Dr Martin Wilkie, Marwell Wildlife
10:30 – Final Questions and Close – Dr Wendy Buckley, Client Director, Carbon Footprint Lrd
Supply Chain Sustainability - Virtual Event
Achieving sustainability within your own business is a fine accomplishment, but to move forward to excellence in Corporate & Social Responsibility, you will need to address your supply chain.
This Sustainable Business Network virtual session introduces the concepts of sustainable supply chains and explains why they are vital for planet and economy. We also get practical and help you to understand how to work out the carbon footprint of your so-called scope 3 supply chain (when you frequently wont’ have access to the data you would ideally have to do it). We finish with a compelling case study from the paper industry.
09:30 - Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair, SBN North Hants /Carbon Footprint Ltd
09:45 - Supply Chain Sustainability - Alasdair Silverman & Catherine Westoby,
Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
10:15 - Practical Supply Chain Carbon Footprint Measurement - Myles Howard, Environmental Consultant, Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:30 - Final Questions & Close
Suitable For
Environmental and sustainability managers, SHEQ managers of large businesses and also operational managers, marketing managers and MDs of SMEs
Climate Change Target Setting - Virtual Event
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New Year 2021 will be a vital one for us all. Having weathered the COVID-19 storm, we now look forward to 2021 with positivity, but knowing that the climate emergency has not gone away and efforts to retain temperature rise to the crucial 1.5oC must be accelerated to stop permanent damage to our environment In short, we must all set goals to reduce emissions as an imperative. However, turning high level goals into SMART targets is not trivial.
This virtual event, examines the models that business needs to adopt to set meaningful targets and we get granular, showing you exactly what reductions across your operations (be they logistics, manufacturing or office admin) you need to reduce, how and the rates these need to be achieved at. We ask whether the goals are (feasibly) achievable within timescales needed and consider whether the role of external reductions/carbon offsetting as part of the solution.
09:30 - Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair, SBN North Hants /Carbon Footprint Ltd
09:40 - Theory for Target Setting - Prof Ian Williams, University of Southampton
10:00 - Practical Target Setting for your Business - Joel Fernandez, Climate Engineer, Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:10 - Case Study - Sharon Ball, Environment Advisor, Portals
10:30 - Final Questions & Close
Suitable For
Environmental and sustainability managers, SHEQ managers of large businesses and also operational managers, marketing managers and MDs of SMEs.
SBN Autumn Meeting – A Sustainable Recovery from COVID-19.
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Autumn is here and the kids are back at school. The world has been through tough times over the past 7 months and recovery - and we know it will be rocky - from the pandemic is being pinned on green/sustainable growth. In many ways, our success or failure is now down to what we do in our individual businesses and workplaces, to adapt and move forward.
We examine what that means and the new normal for our businesses and relevance to our clients - from a perspective of the 3 pillars of economic, environmental and social impacts.
Speakers will include Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, Carbon Footprint Ltd, the sustainability and carbon management consultants, and a case study from a corporate business with offices in a city location.
09:30 - Welcome & Legal Briefing - Dr Wendy Buckley, Chair, SBN North Hants
09:40 - COVID-19 Recovery Plan for the Local Authority - Jack Kennedy, Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council
10:00 - Carbon Footprint of Homeworking - Explained - Joel Fernandez, Climate Engineer, Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:10 - Case Study - Mike Kerridge, Lockton
10:30 - Final Questions & Close
Suitable For
Environmental and sustainability managers, SHEQ managers of large businesses and also operational managers, marketing managers and MDs of SMEs.
Carbon Offsetting – Decarbonising Grids & Reducing Emissions.
Friday 28 February, Ecophon, nr Basingstoke, RG26 5PP, 08:00-11:00am
This session explains exactly what carbon offsetting is and provides advice on how to choose a good carbon offsetting project
Carbon Offsetting is a highly regulated means to decarbonise national grids across the world and reduce emissions (e.g. through energy saving technology and sequestration of carbon by trees). In recent times, carbon offsetting has become quite high profile in the media – however journalists don’t have a strong grasp on the science & mechanisms (particularly the popular press) and can cause confusion - in the same way they often do with medical or other scientific advances.
This session sets the record straight by explaining exactly what carbon offsetting is, how it plays a role in achieving your carbon and climate targets (and broader CSR objectives) and fundamentally how to choose a good carbon offsetting project.
Setting Climate Change Targets in your Business - Whether Large or Small
Friday 18 October 2019, Village Hotel, Farnborough, GU14 7BF, 8:00 - 11:00am
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With so much in the media about the need to reduce carbon emissions, but with our own individual businesses representing what appears to be only a drop in the ocean, can & how do you set realistic and measured targets and actions for your organisation that will deliver results contributing to reduce global temperature change. Also, how do you influence your supply chain partners to do the same, so that we all move to a common goal.
This Sustainable Business Network Workshop examines, via a series of key note talks and case studies, what the UK’s legislation is, the theory to setting meaningful targets, the theory to setting meaningful targets, the business case (as well as moral imperative) to set targets and some frameworks/processes (including but not limited to Science Based Targets) and how to promote it.
There will also be plenty of networking opportunities, to extend discussions with fellow delegates.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
08:00-08:30am – Registration, refreshments and networking
08:30am – Introduction & Welcome – Dr Wendy Buckley
08:40am - Legal Awareness - Briefing/discussion led by Dr Wendy Buckley
09:00am – Why Set Climate Change targets and relate them to the Global challenge– TBC
9:40 am – Setting Targets in Practice – Some example frameworks & targets - Carbon Footprint Ltd
10:10 - Break
10:15 – Case Study – Our Climate Change target setting and management – Portals – Sharon Ball, Portals
10:45 Final Discussion
Streamlining Carbon & Energy Management
Friday 28 June 2019, Cello Health, Farnham, GU9 7EQ, 8:00 - 11:00am
Energy and carbon reporting have been with us for several years now – particularly for large businesses/ FTSE Main Market listed entities.
However, over recent times, legislation has broadened its net to cover a much broader scope of businesses into scope of mandatory reporting. Away from legislation, many businesses are actively now managing their energy and carbon due to internal pressures relating to cost saving and staff expectations for sustainability. On the commercial side, many organisations need to take action due to supply chain requests/ sales tender requirements.This Sustainable Business Network Workshop examines, via a series of key note talks and case studies, what the legislation is and how it directly/indirectly affects your business (whether you are in a large company or an SME), different ways you can manage your energy and carbon and ways that you can commercialise this (both form operational savings and market differentiation) and complement your broader Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) programme.
There will also be plenty of networking opportunities, to extend discussions with fellow delegates.
Who is this for?
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
8:00 Registration, networking and refreshments
8:30 Welcome and Introduction - Dr Wendy Buckley & Cello Health
8:40 Legislation Awareness – Briefing/discussion led by Dr Wendy Buckley
9:00 Streamlining Energy & Carbon Reporting - What is the legislation & best practice - speaker TBC
9:40 Energy Management Systems -Wayne Spencer, BSI
10:10 Break
10:15 Case Study - Our Energy & Carbon Management - Peter Sharman, Mulalley
10:45 Final Discussion
11:00 Formal Close & Networking
Staff Engagement - Developing & Managing Behaviour Change Inside and Outside of the Business
Friday 1st March 2019, The Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke, RG23 9NN, 8:00 - 11:00am
As a sustainability professional, you can do all in your power to reduce your company's carbon footprint through technology changes to reduce building and transport energy consumption, but to really ring in further decreases to your impact, you will need to engage the hearts and minds of your team! Engaging staff in sustainability practices will likely extend to behavioural changes inside your company's buildings, offsite/'in the field' and in your business neighbourhood.
Only in this way will you be successful in changing behaviour 'for good' and developing a truly sustainable culture which will help staff retention, brand reputation as well as reducing carbon impact.
This SBN workshop will examine, via a series of key note talks and case studies, the theory and best practice for engaging staff in sustainability - looking at how to develop best behaviour on-site and within your broader local environment. The event was suitable for SMEs to corporate and public sector attendees, with plenty of opportunity for networking with like-minded professionals, should you be an environmental, health & safety, finance or marketing manager/director.
Sustainability professionals in large and SME businesses, business owners/MDs in SMEs.
8:00 Registration, networking and refreshments
8:30 Welcome and Introduction - Dr Wendy Buckley
8:40 Legislation Awareness – Briefing/discussion led by Dr Wendy Buckley
9:00 The Importance of Staff Engagement in Sustainability - Theory and Strategies - John Buckley, Carbon Footprint Ltd
9:40 Staff Engagement in Local Environmental Programmes - Making a Better Environment Around your Offices and in your Local Area - Debbie Salmon, Rushmoor Borough Council
10:10 Break
10:15 Case Study - Engaging Our Teams in Sustainability - Anna Frizzell, RNLI
10:45 Final Discussion
11:00 Formal Close & Networking
Climate Change Adaptation - How best to protect your business after the Beast from the East and other climate challenges
Friday 2nd November 2018, Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre, Farnborough, GU14 6FD. 8:00 - 11:00am
Climate change adaptation is a key consideration, no matter what size of business that you work in.
Our changing weather patterns bring not only direct challenges in the workplace (and getting to work) but also impacts up and down stream supply chains that can significantly affect your business's ability to operate and it's profitability. For some businesses, flooding, or on the flip side, a lack of water, can cease operations completely. For others, a loss of key supply components or comfort to staff (leading to a drop in efficiency and/or a rise in absenteeism) can be a key issue.
In this SBN we examined, via a series of key note talks and case studies, what the likely impact of our changing climate will have to businesses of all sizes. This session included practical strategies and impact assessment to help you to manage and thrive. The event was suitable for SMEs to corporate and public sector attendees, with plenty of opportunity for networking with like-minded professionals, should you be an environmental, health & safety, finance or marketing manager/director.
8:00 Registration, networking and tea / coffee
8:30 Welcome
8:35 Legislation Update – John Mitchell, Blake Morgan
8:55 Changing Weather in the UK
9:25 Break
9:40 Climate Change Adaptation made Practical
10:10 Case Study - Our Climate Change Adaptation Following Disaster
10:50 Formal Close & Networking
Contact us for more information and to keep updated about the next event